LAFC So Cal Rec Committee

LAFC So Cal Rec Committee

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LAFC So Cal Rec  cannot operate without the support we receive from parents and others who generously donate their time. We are a parent-based, volunteer organization. In order to deliver a quality soccer program for your children, we need your help

As LAFC So Cal Rec continues to grow we have come to the point where we need more help in administrating the program.

We have created the LAFC So Cal Rec committee for members to volunteer more of their time and help us make the program better

We are looking for people who would like to volunteer for certain tasks to help us keep our LAFC So Cal Rec moving forward and improving year over year.

The committee would meet one evening per month to discuss WVSL issues and to put forward recommendations to our Board of Directors.

Committee Positions

Head referee - responsibilities would include helping recruit referees, supervise the training Help supervise the scheduling of referees for game day Help on game day with quality control. Ability to act professionally under pressure, dynamically assess a situation and respond accordingly.

Assistant head referee – Assist the head referee in duties described above. In the event of game day absence of the head referee, assume the position.

Field supervision (Field marshal) – Several individuals are needed. The responsibilities of a field supervisor would be to help us on game day with the overall supervision of referees, coaches and parents. The primary duties would be identifying problems before they happen and help us with issues on game day

Medal coordinator - - 

this individual will help with the design of the medals. Coordinate with the manufacturer making sure all players are receiving a medal. Help with distribution.

Field Equipment Coordinator - responsibilities would include preparing Fields for game day, assisting with field issues and procuring necessary field items under the direction of the program General Manager.

If you are interested in joining the West Valley Soccer recreational committee please email Paul or Bob




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